BlastEd xblast level editor : HTML Manual

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Main Index On this page
  1. Intro
  2. Versions
  3. Readme.txt
  4. Changes / Ideas / TO DO

[no image] #1 Intro

This page contains some stuff I didn't knew where to put elsewhere...

[no image] #2 Versions

This is the list of all BlastEd versions to date
  • v1.3 BETA 3 : 28 October 1999
  • v1.3 BETA 1 : 23 July 1999
  • v1.2 : 29 April 1999
  • v1.1 : 21 April 1998
  • v0.1 : 25 March 1998

#3 Readme.txt

This is a copy of the current readme.txt you can find in the latest release of BlastEd
                          BlastEd - v1.3 beta 3 (28 October 1999)
                               (C)1998-1999 by Yves Bresson

i) index

  i) index
 ii) contact
iii) what's new in this version
 iv) report bugs / feature request
  v) known limitations
 vi) valid scramble_draw/delete tables example

ii) contact
You can reach me at (university email) or
                 at (home email)

My xblast website is at or

iii) what's new in this version (latest new stuff first)
==> v1.3 BETA 3 <==
- Added a visual block selector to the Prefs Window, Pannel 2 (click "B" button to open
  the visual block selector)   note: I know Prefs Window has some align problems, I was
  NOT drunk when I modified it ;-)
- Added support for Amilhastre extras & bombs (EXTRA_EVILGRAIL, EXTRA_REVIVE [Phoenix],
- In Play command (re-make window), 'titi@machine:0' gets replaced with
  'titi@current_machine_name:0' (ie 'machine' is a "joker" for your computer-name)
- Params parser now accepts first-letter shortcuts (ex: -h)
- added IF_Morph & IF_Stop initial extras handling
- added support for EPFL extra (EXTRA_STOP), new v2.6 EXTRA_MORPH, Stn bomb types & Shrinks,
  XBlasat shrink, ISTY shrinks & fcns, BenJ fcn
- using new XB v2.6 blocks in real-mode
- All choice-lists now have a "user defined" slot which allows for custom user input & which
  is used at load-time if the loaded value isn't in the choice-list (using new selectyb fcn)
==> v1.3 BETA 2 <==
- added 'Belgium' support (new extras)
- BlastEd is now able to load SCRAMBLE_DRAW/DELETE tables [BETA]
- Tweaking scramble blocks auto-turns scramble display on
- Added a command line options parser (BlastEd -h for list of valid options)
- Mouse clicks handled better ('press' and 'release' block must be ==)
- Added a 'Special' menu to the map window; contains 'Undo', 'Clear Map',
   'Clear S_Draw' & 'Clear S_Delete'. Undo (CTRL+Z) has 20 back moves.
- Improved full-redraw (graphstate 3): draws background AROUND the blocks -> no flash
- BlastEd now able to design & save SCRAMBLE_DRAW/DELETE tables
- BlastEd adds a comment on top of level file with my email + website when saving

iv) report bugs / feature request
If you find a bug, please tell me about it !
I would also like to know what you think about BlastEd, what you would like to see changed,
what new features you would like to see included etc... just let me know

v) known limitations      [they should get fixed soon]
- scramble table names are lost on load
- BlastEd ALWAYS takes first table as draw table and second one as delete table
- BlastEd auto-names scramble tables to LevelName_Draw & LevelName_Dele, you cannot
  specify another name for the tables -> make sure you use these names in your scramble
  commands !
(see below for an example)

vi) Valid scramble_draw/_delete tables example: (taken from my level "Life Race")

// the draw table is first, the table name = LevelName + _Draw
static BMPosition Life_Race_Draw[] = {
 {3,3}, {3,4}, {4,3}, {9,7}, {9,8}, {9,9}, {7,9}, {7,10}, {8,10}, {9,11} };

// the delete table is in second place, the table name = LevelName + _Dele
static BMPosition Life_Race_Dele[] = {
 {5,3}, {4,3}, {3,3}, {3,4}, {3,5}, {4,5}, {7,8}, {8,11}, {7,11} };

static BMLevelData Life_Race =
  /* BMLevel */
    "Life Race",
    "EPFL - cosun : Yves Bresson",
    "Run for your Life !",
    GM_Random | GM_23456_Player | GM_All,
    (void *) &Life_Race,
  /* BMShrinkData */
    {GAME_TIME/2, 20, Life_Race_Draw},		// name here in command is same
    {(6*GAME_TIME)/10, 14, Life_Race_Dele},	// as table name (LevelName+_Draw)


#4 Changes / Ideas / TO DO

This comes directly from the source file, which, as you can see, begins with a LOT of comments, I like comments :-)

// BlastEd by Yves Bresson, v0.1 25.03.98
//	v1.1 21 April 98
//	v1.2 29 April 99
//	last modified -- 29 December 1999 --

// NEW (latest news first)
// Added BMPlayerData14 to handle the reviveExtra's (set to IF_UNSET by NEW_LEVEL and LOAD_LEVEL_261)
// BMPlayerData14 is ignored by SAVE_LEVEL, SAVE_LEVEL_TNT uses it : if value is IF_UNSET, gets
// replaced by value of BMPlayerData13 (this makes converting old 2.6 levels to TNT easier)
// Adding support for TNT format saving (in construction : colors are lost | scramble tables are lost)
// -- v1.3 BETA 3 --
// Visual block selector with block_name display and OK CANCEL buttons
// Added support for Amilhastre extras & bombs (EXTRA_EVILGRAIL, EXTRA_REVIVE [Phoenix], EXTRA_PHANTOM,
//	EXTRA_SEARCH, EXTRA_CHOICE [Doom], BMTsearch, BMTprotectbombs)
// In Play command (re-make window), 'titi@machine:0' gets replaced with 'titi@current_machine_name:0'
//  (ie machine is a 'joker' for your computer-name)
// Params Parser now accepts first-letter shortcuts (ex: -h)
// Window size is now system-specific (use default BIG size or smaller size if under Windows)
// added support for IF_MORPH and IF_STOP initial extras flags
//  (btw, noticed that IF_ = LF_ [level start flag] + RF_ [revive flag])
// added support for EPFL extra (EXTRA_STOP), new v2.6 EXTRA_MORPH, Stn bomb types & Shrinks, XBlasat shrink,
//  ISTY shrinks & fcns, BenJ fcn
// Now using new XB v2.6 blocks in real-mode display
// All choice-lists now have a "user defined" item which allows for custom user input &
//  which is used at load-time if the loaded value isn't in the choice-list (using new selectyb fcn)
// -- v1.3 BETA 2 --
// Now supports the new Belgium "special_extra_xxx" and "special_key_jump" and "bomb_click_split":
//  Pour ajouter des special_trucs faut juste les ajouter aux bonnes listes dans
//  La j ai modifier aussi getRN ds pour qu'il sache convertir les nouveaux extras en nom d'image.
// -- v1.3 BETA 1 --
// BlastEd now able to load SCRAMBLE_DRAW/DELETE tables (unfortunately table names are lost)
//  + BlastEd ALWAYS takes first table as draw and second one as delete table
// (28 Juillet 99, corrige le LOAD qui ne vidait pas les tables scramble si y'en avait pas)
// Tweaking scramble blocks auto-turns scramble display on
// Added a command line options parser (reads a max of 10 params)
// Mouse clicks handled better ('press' and 'release' block must be ==)
// Added a 'Special' menu to the map window; contains 'Undo', 'Clear Map', 'Clear S_Draw' & 'Clear S_Delete'
// Undo (CTRL+Z) has 20 back moves / Clear map removes all blocks
// Improved full-redraw (graphstate 3): draws grey background AROUND (not full window anymore) the blocks -> no grey flash
// BlastEd now able to design & save SCRAMBLE_DRAW/DELETE tables
//  (auto-names them to LevelName_Draw & LevelName_Dele)
// adds a comment on top of level file with my email + website
// --- v1.2 ---
// now handles old levels with only 4 start positions (load and save work)
// main help updated with info about the 'Display' menu (+ say 'blocks' dir not needed for symbolic mode)
// display uses real blocks
// "new" option works
// "help" fcns added
// "load" option
// if user cancels load or save as, no error is raised.
// if error occurs while loading or saving, Confirm is showed.

// TO DO:
// TNT-load
// TNT-save scramble tables
// LOAD scramble tables BETTER
// shrink editor ?
// add 10 dynamic user comands to WLMake

// ?? double-close error + user command: les reponses sont decalees et la 1ere vaut NULL
// ?? si on lance avec un raccourci contenant directement les parametres au lieu d'un
// ?? raccourci vers un .bat qui lance lui.
// ??
// GM_LR_Players
// GM_NoGrid
// GM_SinglePlayer (= GM_Single|GM_Team|GM_Double)
// does EXTRA_TELEPORT work ??? or only EXTRA_BEAM ??
// UNIX path = /...
// UNIX filedialog path = /.../
// WIN path  = \...\